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Tuesday, November 17, 2009

It's traditional to send holiday cards to friends and family in December. And in recent years, businesses have realized that it's also a great way to connect with clients and create a friendly atmosphere for employees. Ordering, writing, addressing and sending all of those cards while also dealing with holiday gifts, decorating, parties and guests can be exhausting! This year, consider sending Thanksgiving cards instead!

Create a mailing list including all of the family members, friends and/or business associates and employees to whom you want to send a Thanksgiving card. Create a Thanksgiving message to convey a personal touch. You may wish to have one sentiment for friends and neighbors, one for family, one for clients and one for employees. Shop online for bulk Thanksgiving cards. If you're sending Thanksgiving cards in lieu of December holiday cards, it would be too expensive to buy them one by one at the local card shop or discount store. Make sure the site can print your sentiment on the cards.

See if they can print a return address as well. It will save you time and cramped hands! Make sure the order will be delivered well before Thanksgiving to allow for signing, addressing and mailing the cards. Write a newsletter for family and friends if you typically would send one in December. Be sure to include a section about why you are grateful for dear friends and family members. Business owners, include a note or comment telling clients or employees why you are grateful for them. Include a photo for family and friends. Set up a website to allow recipients to add their blessings and gratitude to create a virtual Thanksgiving community. Businesses could do this as well, and allow customers to post personal or business points of gratitude. Make sure everyone you're sending it to celebrates Thanksgiving. Customers in other countries might not understand the purpose of the the holiday or the card.


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