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Saturday, May 17, 2008

Sometimes you can't avoid negative people in life. Here's a how-to cope with them.
Don't be around that person all the time if you can help it. If you live with them, try to spend as much time as possible with other family members or with friends outside the home. Do something that doesn't involve the other person too much. You don't want to learn their ways of thinking and add it into your own mind.# When you do spend time with them, try to have a positive attitude yourself. Balance it out! Try to think of good qualities about that person. Pay good attention. Everyone likes a bit of attention whether they think they do or not!
Be very nice to them. If they are having a problem that you know you may be able to solve, jump in, and give them a hand. Do something unexpectedly sweet, like chores for a day, invite them to watch a movie with you, take a walk together with them, or stop doing something you know annoys them.
Tell them how it is making you feel when they are negative around you. Be constructive; tell them something else they can do and or how they can change. Encourage, don't force. Most people don't like lectures on how to behave, especially when it's pointed towards them that they are horrible or so.
Make a "hot-word" like "oranges", "butterflies", "ocean soul", etc. That you agree with the person you are going to say each time you hear them say something negative - this will act as a good reminder for them and will draw their attention to their own negative comments. Some people do it by habit. In a bad way.

Try to understand why they act the way they do. There may be many hidden issues that you don't know about.
Try to get close to these people; open your heart.
Inspire them to change. Let them see the bright side and how it is to be an optimistic person.
Include them in your life; make them feel needed. Most people are negative because of low self esteem, and by making them feel needed, you make them feel unique. Be a unique individual yourself and help let them breathe easier!

Don't let negativity from these people turn you into a pessimist! Nothing ruins the happiness in one's life more than anxiety and letting their depressing imagination take over. Be yourself; love optimism!
Someone who is negative all the time may be depressed. Ensure that they are not planning to harm themselves or others. Someone who is suicidal should be encouraged to seek professional help.
Be aware of your presence and how the other person feels when you are around them. Perhaps they may be envious of you and what you have. Prove to them that you are not a threat, and that you could be a loyal friend they can come to when life gets hard.

An estimated one in eight women will be afflicted with breast cancer in her lifetime. Although there is no guaranteed protection against the disease, there are things you can do lower your risk. Here are some ways to prevent breast cancer and to support finding a cure:

Maintain a healthy weight. There is a strong link between obesity and breast cancer, particularly if extra weight is added after menopause.

Schedule an annual mammogram. This is vital after age 40, as mammograms may help detect early signs of breast cancer, sometimes up to several years before a lump can be felt.

Eat foods high in fiber. Try to consume 20 to 30 grams of fiber daily. Among its many health benefits, fiber may help reduce the amount of circulating estrogen in the body. Foods high in fiber include whole grains and beans.

Avoid long-term hormone therapy. The link between postmenopausal hormone therapy and breast cancer has been a subject of debate for years, and research results have been mixed. For women approaching menopause and having frequent symptoms, experts believe it's probably safe to take hormones for as long as four to five years—any longer increases breast cancer risk, without conferring any clear benefits.

Enjoy soy. Isoflavones in soy foods are weak estrogen-like compounds that block the action of estrogen, which may contribute to breast cancer. Use soy flour in recipes, add tofu to soups or main dishes, eat green soybeans, or drink soy milk.

Limit alcohol consumption. Drinking alcoholic beverages is linked to breast cancer, and the type of alcohol does’t seem to matter. Consume less than one alcoholic beverage per day, or better yet, avoid it entirely.

Stay physically active. Aim for a minimum of 30 minutes of exercise on most days. Try to include weight-bearing exercises, such as walking, jogging, or dancing, which have the added benefit of keeping bones strong.

Eat good fats. Certain types of fats seem to increase estrogen levels, which, in turn, raise breast cancer risk. Opt for monounsaturated oils like olive and canola and omega-3 fatty acids, found in salmon, sardines, and herring. Avoid trans fats, found in stick margarine, packaged baked goods, and snack foods, and the polyunsaturated fats featured in corn, sunflower, and safflower oils.

Consider aspirin therapy. Taking an aspirin just once a week may help protect against breast cancer, but be sure to consult a doctor before starting an aspirin regimen. When used for long periods of time, aspirin can cause stomach irritation, bleeding, and ulcers.

Avoid additives. When possible, buy hormone-free organic meats, poultry, and dairy foods. Be sure to wash fresh produce and remove peels to get rid of pesticide residue.

Try vitamin E. In a small study at State University of New York at Buffalo, participants with a family history of breast cancer had an 80 percent lower risk for developing breast cancer if their diets contained 10 or more IU per day of vitamin E.

Eat more fruits and vegetables. In particular, get enough calciferous vegetables, such as broccoli, cabbage, and cauliflower, which can boost cancer-fighting enzymes.

Perform monthly breast self-exams. Women can detect lumps or changes in their breasts by performing exams every month. The best time to do a self-exam is a week after the start of your period, when breasts are less likely to be tender or swollen.

Breastfeed if possible. Some studies have shown that breastfeeding may decrease the risk of breast cancer later in life.

Participate in the fight against breast cancer. There are numerous ways to get involved in raising awareness and money for breast cancer research, so do your research and get started today.


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