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Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Ever felt groggy and disgusting, tired and overwhelmed? Well now you don't have to. This article will go through ways to refresh yourself to keep yourself from being in that horrible dirty state.

Think: Why do I feel unrefreshed? Is it because I am dirty, or is it because I am tired? Is it because I haven't accomplished anything? There are a number of reasons to feel unrefreshed. If you can, try to put your finger on what YOUR reason is. One thing that really helps is to get clean. Even if you feel exhausted, drag yourself out of bed, and just get into the shower. I say shower because often times a bath can get you feeling more and more lazy and that may lead to sucumbing to grogginess.While in the shower, wash your hair. Shampoo and conditioner in one is preferable, because you get the same impact, but it takes less effort. Scrub with soap and if you have them, lotions or shower gel.On getting out of the shower, wrap one towel around your torso, and take another to dry your hair. Don't wait too long before combing your hair, because this step is easiest when your hair is freshly conditioned. After combing your hair, brush your teeth. This should take at least a minute. Get dressed. Pick out a comfy outfit that looks nice. If you feel like it, put on some jewelry or lip balm. This can help you to feel further refreshed.If you have Q-tips, get one. It is good to use Q-tips after a bath or shower because your ears are damp.

Once your hair is dry, decide weather you want to keep it down, or put it up. If you choose to put it up, I suggest making a high, tight ponytail. This gets your hair out of the way and also looks really neat. You can also use a headband if you like. Now that you've tackled the dilemma of getting physically refreshed, it's time to get mentally refreshed. If you choose to, clean your room. If it is very messy I would say to leave it for later on the day because cleaning it could lead to frustration. Do you have any homework? If so, tackle it. You should be in a good mood, and should feel mentally ready to get to any tasks that need doing. If your homework is finished, try getting to other odd jobs around the house. This does not have to mean cleaning. If you have a scrapbook, work on it. If you're a dancer, choreograph.Have a nice, refreshing day!

Going outside for a short walk can help you to feel refreshed.Consider making yourself a nice healthy snack.


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