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Tuesday, April 8, 2008

Throughout life there are always obstacles which come up and can cause us to lose sight of our goals. Whether it's a piece of chocolate cake when we are on a diet or another lost client when we just can't possibly afford to lose another one. Obstacles are always there. But how you choose to view those obstacles are up to you.
Someone once told me that obstacles are often put in front of us to challenge our character. So what does that say about your character? Are you up for the challenge? Do you see an obstacle come up and immediately fill with fear and hesitation or do you look at it as an opportunity to overcome and conquer?
When we are given the opportunity to face a challenge, we have a chance to show our character. We have the power to decide how we will handle it. If we allow fear to take over our thinking then we can often be paralyzed by it. Don't lose sight of the goal at hand. Believe in yourself and get strength from your words. Focus on the goal not the obstacle and you will most likely reach it instead of getting stuck.
The frame of mind in which we view our situation can have a huge effect on how we get through that situation. Our mind and our thoughts are very powerful. The key is to choose the right thoughts, especially in the tough times. Stay focused and full of faith and hope. You'll find strength. Make a conscious decision to not allow fear to control you, instead, stay in a positive frame of mind. Speak only positive words. I am a firm believer that what we speak, we will start to believe and what we believe will ultimately become our own reality.
There will always be obstacles in life. Don't allow the obstacles to keep you from your goals. Instead, use that opportunity to stay focused, stay strong, and stay faithful.


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